Questions to Christian Zionism, By Jonathan Kuttab
I am a Palestinian Christian and the most pressing question about Christian Zionism for me is not its theological predictions about the end times, prophecy, or the Second Coming, since the Bible makes clear that no one knows the exact time for the fulfillment of these prophecies, except the Father (Mark 13:32), and Christian church history has been full of those who made wrong predictions about the end times and the Second Coming, starting with St. Paul himself, through Martin Luther, and up to Hal Lindsay. The troubling thing for me is the expressly stated view that Christian teaching requires Christians today to take specific political positions regarding Zionism, the modern state of Israel, and its conflict with Arabs and Palestinians. Being a Palestinian Christian myself, I am obviously concerned by this, since I recognize that God has sovereignty over all aspects of my life, and that my faith should take precedence over my political or national concerns. Christ said “My Kingdom is not of this world”(John 18:36) and resisted the Zealots of his time who tried to coerce him into taking political power, so I expect that his teachings for political behavior would consist of such general teachings as justice, peacefulness, and love of neighbor( and enemies) rather than unqualified support for one political faction, or state ( including one’s own) regardless of its behavior.